Guided tour through a cloud datacenter - The Umeå University approach to cloud resource management
By taking a holistic approach to cloud resource management, we aim to transform today's static and energy consuming cloud data centers into self-managed, dynamic, and dependable infrastructures, constantly delivering expected quality of service with acceptable operation costs and carbon footprint for large-scale services with varying capacity demands. The presentation will provide the birds-eye’s view of our efforts as well as several glimpses of selected completed, ongoing, and planned research efforts. These efforts address fundamental and inter-twined self-management challenges assuming that there during execution are stochastic variations in capacity need and resource availability, as well as changes in system response and operation costs. Sample challenges include how much capacity to allocate at any time for an elastic application, where to allocate that capacity, if to admit an elastic service with unknown lifetime and future capacity demands, how to optimize the various management tools’ concerted actions, etc, while taking into account the need for differentiated quality of service and the scalability requirements of the management tools themselves. For further reading about cloud resource management research at Umeå University, Sweden, please visit www.cloudresearch.org
Biography:Erik Elmroth is Professor in Computing Science at Umeå University. He has ten years of experience from being Head and Deputy Head of the Department of Computing Science.
He is leading the Umeå University research on distributed systems, focusing on virtual computing infrastructures (Grid and Cloud computing, see http://www.cloudresearch.se), including the group's participation in large-scale national and international collaborations such as eSSENCE (a long-term Swedish strategic eScience collaboration), the EU FP7 projects RESERVOIR, OPTIMIS, VISION Cloud, CACTOS, ORBIT and ACROSS as well as the local industry-focused IT research within the UMIT research laboratory. A particular high-light is being the principal investigator for Cloud Control, which is a framework project funded by the Swedish Research Council, taking a control theoretic approach for cloud datacenter management systems. The research is focused on methods, algorithms, architectures and software design principles for large scale distributed environments.
The current research extends on Elmroth's broad background in scientific and high-performance computing and extensive experience from organizing supercomputing infrastructures. He received the Nordea Scientific Award 2011. Pre-historic highlights include being co-winner of the SIAM Linear Algebra Prize 2000, for the most outstanding linear algebra publication world-wide during the preceding 3-year period.
Erik is Chairman of the Board of the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC). Previously he has served as Chairman of Swedish Research Council's (VR's) expert group on e-science infrastructures and as member of VR's Council for Research Infrastructures (RFI). He has also been appointed by the Nordic Council of Ministers for writing a Nordic eScience strategy and as a follow-up, a Nordic-Baltic eScience strategy as well as by SNIC for writing a national HPC strategy. He has held a three-year position as national HPC lecturer appointed by the Swedish Council for High Performance Computers (HPDR).
International experiences include a year at NERSC, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, and one semester at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA.