Modeling and stability of supply networks
We consider a supply network or more generally speaking a logistics network in that each node is modeled as a dynamical system which state depends on inputs from other nodes as well as external disturbances. We are interested in the dynamical properties and especially in stability of the processes running in such kind of networks. Under stability we understand in rough terms the property of the systems to cope with a dynamically changing amount of work that continuously arrives to the network. Even if each node of such systems designed to be stable in this sense, it may happen that the interaction between nodes destroys stability of the whole network and may lead to loss in performance and total breakdown. We will show one possible approach to model such dynamical systems and provide appropriate tools for their stability analysis.
SlidesBiography:Segrey Dashkovskiy studied mathematics and mechanics in 1991-1996 at the Lomonosov State University, Moscow. He served as a teacher and lecturer of mathematics in 1997-1998 in Moscow and after that he started his PhD studies at the University of Jena in Germany in the field of functional analysis and partial differential equations. He has got the PhD degree in Mathematics from this university in 2002 and joined the Center of Industrial Mathematics at the University of Bremen in Germany. Since 2008 he becomes the leader of the research group “Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems” and is currently a principal investigator of two third party funded research projects. In 2009 he successfully finished his habilitation thesis in Mathematics at the University of Bremen and is currently acting professor of the University of Bayreuth, Germany.
Research interests of Sergey Dashkovskiy are in the fields of dynamical systems, partial differential equations and mathematical modeling. He has published more than 50 scientific papers in these research fields.