Large-Scale and Distributed Optimization: Focus Period Program
All the seminars outside the workshop will be held in the seminar room of the Automatic Control Department - M2112B, 2nd floor of the M-building, unless otherwise stated
Tuesday 30 May 11:15–12:00
Learning Regularizers from Data
Yong Sheng Soh, Caltech
Thursday 1 June 10:15–11:00
Unified view on accelerated randomized methods
Alexander Gasnikov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Thursday 1 June 11:05–11:50
Multi-Level Scenario-based Model Predictive Control for Optimal Maintenance Planning of Railway Networks
Zhou Su, TU Delft
Friday 2 June 14:15–15:00
Active Measurement for Neuroscience
Ross Boczar, UC Berkeley
Monday 5 June 13:15–14:00
Distributed Learning for Cooperative Inference
Cesar A. Uribe, University of Illinois
Monday 5 June 14:05–14:50
Communication-Efficient Decentralized and Stochastic Optimization
Soomin Lee, Georgia Tech
Wednesday 7 June 13:30–14:15
Analysis and Implementation of an Asynchronous Optimization Algorithm for the Parameter Server
Arda Aytekin, KTH Stockholm
Wednesday 7 June 14:20–15:05
Input-and-state observability of structured network systems
Federica Garin, INRIA Rhône-Alpes
Thursday 8 June 15:30–16:15
Performance Bounds for Remote Estimation under Energy Harvesting Constraints
Ayca Ozcelikkale, Chalmers
Friday 9 June 10:15–11:00
Decentralized control and optimization
Franco Blanchini, University of Udine
Friday 9 June 11:05–11:50
Distributed nonsmooth composite optimization via the proximal augmented Lagrangian
Neil Dhingra, Univeristy of Minnesota
Tuesday 13 June 11:05–11:50
Analysis and Design of First-order Optimization Methods using the Performance Estimation Framework
Adrien Taylor, UC Louvain
Tuesday 13 June 14:05–15:00
Density flows and optimal mass transport
Tryphon Georgiou, UC Irvine
Tuesday 20 June 10:15–11:00
(Nonsmooth) Control Lyapunov Functions
Philipp Braun, University of Bayreuth
Thursday 22 June 10:15–11:00
Proximal-Proximal-Gradient Method
Ernest Ryu, UCLA
Thursday 22 June 11:05–11:50
Newton-type proximal algorithms for nonconvex optimization
Andreas Themelis, KU Leuven
Tuesday 27 June 10:15–11:00
Computational Co-Designs for Controlling Very Large-Dimensional Power Systems
Aranya Chakrabortty, North Carolina State University
Tuesday 27 June 11:05–11:50
Real-time optimization under uncertainty: Accelerated and distributed modifier-adaptation schemes
René Schneider, EPFL Lausanne
Thursday 29 June 10:15–11:00
Fast ADMM for Semidefinite Programs with Chordal Sparsity
Yang Zheng, University of Oxford
Thursday 29 June 11:05–11:50
A decentralized descent method for the numerical solution of the Nash equilibrum problem
Anna von Heusinger, University of Würzburg