Stevo Mijanovic, United Technologies Research Center
Model-based Controls and Systems Engineering for Building and Aircraft Systems
Since its inception in 2010 UTRC Ireland has been focusing on developing, demonstrating, and transitioning to industrial practice model-based systems and controls engineering development processes and algorithms, in particular focused on building energy and security systems. More specifically, part of UTRC Ireland mission has been the development of Scalable, Intelligent, and Resilient building systems and in this talk we will illustrate a few such examples including the projects that have been carried out in collaboration with our university and industrial partners.
Since 2014 UTRC Ireland has also been focusing and developing model based systems engineering methods, processes, and tools for aerospace applications in particular focused on aircraft systems. In this talk we will illustrate some of these activities and projects.
Stevo Mijanovic, Ph.D., is general manager, United Technologies Research Centre (UTRC) Ireland – UTRC’s research and development hub in Europe. UTRC Ireland is focused on advancing the capabilities of United Technologies Corp. (UTC) in systems engineering through research and development in underlying technical fields, and the application of these methodologies to UTC’s aerospace and building and industrial systems product portfolios.
Mijanovic has over 20 years of industrial control engineering and research and development experience at UTRC; Honeywell, Edmonton and Vancouver, Canada; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; and the University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro. He holds 1 European and 1 US patent with 8 U.S. patents pending and is the author of three technical journal articles and nine conference papers. A member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), he has been honored with the Best Paper in Session award at the American Control Conference in 2004; and received the G.R.E.A.T. Scholarship award from The Science Council of British Columbia as well as the NSERC Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship Award from The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Prior to being named UTRC Ireland’s general manager in September 2014, Mijanovic led a team at UTRC’s global headquarters in East Hartford, Connecticut, focused on developing and demonstrating model-based systems and control engineering development processes for building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) as well as commercial and transport refrigeration systems.
Mijanovic received his Ph.D. in automatic control at the University of British Columbia and bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering at the University of Montenegro.