FMI: Functional Mockup Interface for Model Exchange and Co‑Simulation
The Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) is a tool independent standard for the exchange of dynamic models and for co-simulation. The FMI was developed in a close collaboration between simulation tool vendors, research institutes and industrial users within the European joint research project MODELISAR. It is continued as Modelica Association Project since 2012. More than 30 tools support FMI, and it is heavily used in industrial and scientific projects, not only in the automotive sector. The presentation explains the technical concepts of FMI and demonstrates some industrial applications. Additionally an overview about version 2.0 of FMI is given that combines the formerly separated interfaces for Model Exchange and Co‑Simulation in one standard.
Presentation Slides
1989-1994: Technical University of Dresden:
Electrical Engineering, Precision Engineering
Diploma Thesis: Coupled Simulation of a micro mechanical Force Sensor using SPICE and ANSYS
1994-1995: Assistant at Technical University of Dresden
Modeling and Simulation of heterogeneous Systems (Spice, Eldo, Saber, VHDL-AMS, FEM, CFD)
Since 1995: ITI GmbH Dresden
Scientific assistant
2000-2008: Project- and Application Engineer, Development
Since 2008: Manager Projects
Library development (Mechanics, MBS, Electronics, Special Signal Blocks, Time Discrete)
DAE, ODE solver and other numerical algorithms
C-Code generation
HiL Systems
Customer training and support
Management of external and internal development projects
Member of the Modelica Association since 2008
Modelica Association Project Leader FMI since May 2012