Governing Board
- Professor Anders Rantzer, chairman
- Docent Maria Kihl, vice-chairman
- Professor Bo Bernhardsson
- Ass. Prof. Giacomo Como
- Docent Charlotta Johnsson
The board meets every 2-3 weeks.
International Advisory Board
- Professor John Baras, University of Maryland, USA
- Professor Maria Domenica di Benedetto, Universita di L'Aquila, Italy
- Professor Tor Arne Johansen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Professor Fadil Santosa, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis, USA
- Professor Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, SUPELEC, France
The Advisory Board meets once a year.
Former Advisory Board Members
- Professor Tarek Abdelzaher, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
- Professor Keith Glover, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Professor Graham Goodwin, University of Newcastle, Australia
- Dr. Clas Jacobson, United Technologies Research Center, Hartford CT, USA
- Professor Richard Murray, Caltech, USA
- Professor Jakob Stoustrup, Ålborg University, Denmark