Assimulo - a Python package for solving differential equation with interface to equation based languages
We present a Python package which gives access to state-of-the art industrial differential equation algorithms in C or FORTRAN and which is open for experimental methods in Python. The interesting feature of Assimula is that it comes with a specially designed problem class to import models (=differential equations) from JMODELICA. Such an equation based modeling language can provide much more information to the solver than just the problem description itself. Equation coupling information, information about equation type, discontinuities and others can be used to improve and control efficiently the solution process. The talk includes even a wish-list for additional language constructions.
Presentation Slides
Biography:Current position: professor in Scientific Computing at LU, specialized on ODE Numerics with application in multibody dynamics Previous Position: researcher at the German Aerospace and Aeronautics Est. (DLR) near Munich, Germany responsible for the numerics kernel in the multibody programs SIMPACK and MEDYNA. Education: PhD in Numerics (1988), Docent in Numerical Analysis Lund (1998) Industrial Collaboration: Modelon, SKF, MAN, Siemens