Information and Control in Networks: Focus Period Program
All the seminars outside the workshop October 17-19 will be held in the Automatic Control Department - Seminar Room, M2498 M-building, Ole Römers v. 1, unless otherwise stated
Tuesday, October 2
15:15 | Closed-loop stabilization of dynamical systems over a Gaussian interference channel
Ali Zaidi, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
16:05 | (Robust) Stability of Motion
Chris Kellett, University of Newcastle, Australia
Wednesday, October 3
Conference room, 3rd floor of M-building (next to coffee room)
10:15 | Variational Bayes and a problem of reliable communication
Sanjoy Mitter, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Thursday, October 4
Conference room, 3rd floor of M-building (next to coffee room)
10:15 |
Information and entropy flow in the Kalman filter
Sanjoy Mitter, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Friday, October 5
13:15 | Optimal randomizations in quantizer design with marginal constraint
Naci Saldi, Queen's University, Canada
14:05 | Linear state estimation via multiple sensors over rate-constrained channels
Subhrakanti Dey, University of Melbourne, Australia
Tuesday, October 9
15:15 | Design of state-aware multiple access methods for networked control systems
Chithrupa Ramesh, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
16:05 | Fun with porosity and aliens in channel coding
Vinith Misra, Stanford University, USA
Wednesday, October 10
Conference room, 3rd floor of M-building (next to coffee room)
10:15 | Variational Bayes and a problem of reliable communication (Part 2)
Sanjoy Mitter, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Thursday, October 11
10:15 |
Information and entropy flow in the Kalman filter (Part 2)
Sanjoy Mitter, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Friday, October 12
13:15 | On the capacity regions of broadcast channel problems with receiver side information
Tobias Oechtering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
14:05 | Formation control with size scaling using relative displacement feedback
Sam Coogan, UC Berkeley, USA
Monday, October 15
13:15 | MIMO Communications in Wireless Networks
Ather Gattami, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
14:05 | Optimal Realizable Networked Controllers for Networked Systems
Nicola Elia, Iowa State University, USA
Tuesday, October 16
15:15 | Disturbance propagation in formation control problems: Information-theoretic bounds
Paolo Minero, University of Notre-Dame, USA
16:05 | A new framework for stability analysis of networked control systems
Yumiko Ishido, Dept. of Automatic Control, LTH, Lund University
17:00-19:00 | Welcomining reception and workshop registration at the coffee room, Department of Automatic Control, 3rd floor, M-huset, Ole Römers väg 1. |
Wednesday-Friday, October 17-19
Workshop at the Old Bishop's Palace at Biskopsgatan 1 in Lund
Tuesday, October 23
15:15 | A Mean field games approach to consensus problems
Mojtaba Nouraian, McGill University, Canada
16:05 | Some results on the multiple access channel with state information
Nevroz Sen, Queen's University, Canada
Friday, October 26
13:15 | Performance of linear average-consensus algorithm in large-scale networks
Federica Garin, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, Grenoble, France
14:05 | A networked control strategy for reactive power compensation in a smart power distribution network
Saverio Bolognani, Università di Padova, Italy
Tuesday, October 30
14:05 | Network reconstruction using dynamical structure functions
Ye Yuan, Cambridge University, United Kingdom
15:15 | It may be “easier to approximate” decentralized LQG problems
Se-Yong Park, UC Berkeley, USA
16:05 | Performance, information pattern trade-offs and computational complexity analysis of a consensus based distributed optimization method
Alireza Farhadi, University of Melbourne, Australia